Good morning! Today, I'm revisiting the topic of Droid Capital, highlighting two recent announcements that are genuinely exciting. I shall do my best to present the details in a straightforward manner, but if you have additional questions or a keen interest in participating, feel free to join the Droid Capital Discord server linked below.

Personal Crypto Mining

Currently, Droid NFT holders have access to three separate unit types, each one specialising on a different chain. At the time of writing, 10K $Droid is about $50.

Price ($) Unit Type Chains Supported
$6.4K + 10K $Droid ANTMINER L7 9050M $LTC, $DOGE
$5K + 10K $Droid ANTMINER T21 190 TH $BTC, $BCH, $BSV
$10.5K + 10K $Droid ICERIVER KS3M 6TH $KAS

(Note: all costs are subject to change as unit prices move daily with crypto prices.)

Automated Airdrop Farming - ZkSync

Introducing DropBeast

As I type, Droid is checking interest for this venture, and it has been very popular with the DroidFam so far, shoutout to all those big brains! In a nutshell, it is an automated bot for farming the upcoming ZkSync airdrop. Here is some further info on this:

*‘Ten wallets farming 10k volume (About $120 spend each) each on ARB yielded about $23k positive - the $1200 from volume used to farm. That's a huge ROI obviously but we want to encourage people to be conservative with their estimates.

Predictions we have seen for recommended farming allocations are to take $1.2k-1.5k to between 10 wallets with a total return target of $3.5-5.0k. (We predict the drop to be around 3-5x the amount invested in TX's). This is a conservate number based on historical values. We have no idea what the tiers will be for ZKsync, so use this as a max and work back’.*

Please remember nothing is guaranteed, this is pure speculation.

As usual, there are costs to access this opportunity,